Vamaja Automation division provides customers around the world with high quality, cost- effective tailor made Valve Automation Solutions for wide range of industrial process applications with virtually any valve including quarter turn, multi-turn, short stroke linear precision type with Pneumatic/Electric Actuators and accessories such as Solenoid valves, Limit switches, Positioners, Air Filter Regulators, Quick exhaust valve, Silencer etc. We deliver the proven performance and reliable products that our customers deserve, we excel with our dedication towards a culture of prompt and responsive after sales services
Pneumatic Actuators
- Double Acting Actuators
- Spring Return Actuators
- 180 deg. Actuators
- Piston Cylinder Actuators
- Diaphram Actuators.
- Solenoid valves
- Limit switches
- Proximity switches
- Pneumatic positioners
- Electro pneumatic positioners
- Position transmiters
- Manual over ride
- Air filter regulator with gauge
- Air tank assemblies
- Junction boxes
- Flow control valve assemblies
- Silencers
- SS / Nylon tubing and fittings
- Air lock relays
- Quick exhaust valves
- Fusible links
Electrical Actuators
- Single phase quarter turn actuators
- Three phase quarter turn actuators
- Modulating electrical actuators
- Damper actuators
- Supply voltage 24VDC/110VAC/230VAC/415VAC
- Limit switch (1No + 1Nc) – 2Nos (Rating 10A – 250 VAC)
- Hand wheel
- Local position indicator
- Adjustable mechanical stoppers
- Auxiliary limit switches (1No + 1Nc) – 4 Nos
- Torque limit switches (1No + 1Nc) – 2Nos
- Three position switch for ON/OFF operation Field/Panel Mounted
- Feed back Potentiometer
- Valve positioner Field / Panel mounted input: 4-20 mA/0-10 V DC. Output ; Proportional
- Two wire transmitter field / panel mounted Input: From potentiometer in actuator
- 100 to 235 ohms or 0-1000 ohms Output : 4-20 mA two wire
- Remote position indicator – Digital
- Space heater
- Special accessories on request